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  • Capacitación en Concepción

Training in Concepción

The first trainings of the first week of July took place in the city of Concepción. On this occasion we met with the ENAP Bio Bio Refinery and with the engineering company Pares & Alvarez. Jacklier Hernández, Sales Manager of Genco7, was commissioned to make the exhibition, where in this first stage of talks were discussed some of the following topics:
  • Valves - Uses and applications.
  • How to select and order the Valves General Twin Seal & TruSeal.
  • Installation and Flow Address.
  • Guarantees and after-sales services.
  • Parts of the Valves Twin Seal & TruSeal.
  • Uses and applications, recommendations and warnings.
  • Division of Valves and Measuring (V & M).
  • Grupo Valves and Measurement (V & M).
  • Quarter, Linear and Hydraulic - Electrohydraulic quarter turn actuators.
  • Automated Solutions Integrators.
  • Automated Valves.
  • Types of actuators.
  • Market segments.
  • Global Support and Presence.
  • NOW HOW - Expertise in Valves.
  • Projects.