
Scanner Model 1140

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The Scanner Model 1140 flow computer is a single and dual flow measurement RTU designed specifically to provide monitoring and flow control for oil and gas harvesting and production operations. With a complete range of volume, energy and volume algorithms configurable by the operator, the Scanner Model 1140 flow computer simplifies the process of data collection, processing and transmission.

Built-in functions
Designed specifically for hazardous areas of Class 1 Division 1 and Division 2 adjacent to production equipment or pipelines. Housed in a weather-resistant fiberglass-reinforced plastic housing, the unit can be mounted on the wall or in a pipe. The solar panel charges a sealed lead battery, transportable to the air and gelled that guarantees an intrinsically safe operating system and low power.

It stores a flow history of up to 60 days (per hour and per day) with an audit log of all events, alarms and user changes. (API Chapter 21 Compliance). It can be configured on-site or remotely using step-by-step menus in a familiar Windows ™ environment. The ability to save configuration files to disk and then 'restore' the file to other units in the field simplifies commissioning and reduces human error.

The data can be downloaded on the site or transmitted by radio, dial-up modem, cellular or satellite modem to a central location. Any Div. A modem or radio with 2 certification can be used with the Scanner Model 1140. Contact the factory for more details. While it is capable of accepting inputs from low-power transmitters, RTDs, and pulse-producing devices, a direct interface with a multivariable DPE + transducer provides a low-cost measurement for static and differential pressure in a single device.
Hardware integration reduces capital and installation costs.

A retractable expansion card in the field provides additional inputs / outputs and an additional serial port for communications with the NUFLO MVX-II multi-variable transmitter for dual-flow applications Software accessories

Software accessories
First, any Measurement data host should provide a quick and easy review of your Measurement data. The Cameron Measurement Systems Division offers a complete line of software products to provide the final piece to complete a complete Measurement system:
  • ScanWin user interface and configuration software
  • ScanCom communications protocol
  • ScanFlash Flashing Software
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