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Our BARTON chart recorders are the industry standard for precise and reliable measurement and recording of pressure, differential pressure (DP) and temperature in a wide variety of applications. In addition, the DP models use a rupture-proof bellows differential pressure unit (DPU) as the drive unit, with features such as overrange protection and pulsation damping (in some models). The BARTON 242E pressure and temperature graphics recorder is a 12 "temperature and graphic recorder and receiver designed for general pressure applications.When it functions as a recorder-receiver, it uses a bellows-type element for pneumatic transmitter or controller input.
In double-bellows units, if the bellows are subject to a DP greater than the DP rating of the unit, a Valve is closed and traps the filling fluid in the bellows, completely supporting the bellows and preventing breakage. As opposed Valves are used, complete protection is provided in any Address.

Download Tecnhical Datasheet.

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