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  • Petroleo en Chile

Oil Production

Oil production is fundamental to the industrial society of the 21st century.

Crude oil trapped in the subsoil is associated with gas and water, and remains there under a lot of pressure. When the well is put into production after the drilling is carried out, the pressure level in the reserve determines according to the flow of extracted oil - even when the oil will reach the surface without help by pressure of its own. If the pressures are high, the oil is forced to move to the bottom of the well and flows upwards. It does so through a production line or "tubing" of 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter, which is lowered when the drilling ends and is properly installed. The PIPE is attached to the tubing or "tubing" by special packings or "packer" that sometimes also serve to isolate different production layers.

Production control is carried out on the surface by means of the "Christmas tree" consisting of a series of Valves that allow the well to be closed and opened at will, and where the upwelling is regulated by a small hole whose diameter will depend on the regime of production that you want to give to the well.

When it reaches the surface, the crude oil - mixed with gas in solution - is pumped to a processing plant, which separates the gas from the oil, sending it to storage tanks.

Genco7 provides several high-quality Valves CAMERON designed for oil production such as Valves ESFÉRICAS NAVCO.