
Maxtorque High Efficiency Solutions

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Efficiency. Durability. Quality.

CAMERON MAXTORQUE gears feature the patented AutoLock technology that enables high-performance endless gear solutions with the self-locking characteristics of conventional gearboxes.

This means a reduction of up to 75% in the workload required to operate a Valve, leading to an improved HSE profile and worker efficiency in Valves manual and smaller actuators in motorized Valves.

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Technical specifications

  • Efficiencies of 2 to 2.5 times the basic gears.
  • Self-blocking design. Double Envelope Gear Set.
  • Unique tooth shape to reduce microscopic stresses.
  • Superior sealing system.
  • Able to handle pairs of more than 1,355,818 N · m (1 MM ft-lb).
  • Benefits

  • Reduce work by up to 75%.
  • Reduce the turns, the size of the steering wheel and the tire strap.
  • Reduces stroke time.
  • Improve the HSE profile.
  • Applications

  • Valves of high performance ball and butterfly, with metallic seat.
  • Large Butterfly Valves.
  • High stem and / or high thrust stem valves.
  • Marine and submarine with pressure compensation.
  • Disconnection and partial stroke. River barriers / sluice. Remote service / CC (limited availability of energy).
  • Control of high cycle / high precision processes.
  • Extreme temperature environments; Custom solutions.

  • Worm Gears Nominal torque (ft-lb)
    1000 Cycles
    Max Standard
    Bore (in.)
    Min./Max. Standard Assembly Max. Stem Engagement Base Unit Ratio Base Mech. Adv.
    LW1 3165 2.75 FA14/FA19 3.5 24.33 14.72
    LW2 5667 3.25 FA16/FA25 4.5 24.33 14.72
    LW3 8333 4 FA19/FA30 5.375 25.3 15.31
    BW1 16,667 5.5 FA25/FA40 7.5 20.25 14.18
    BW2 33,333 6.5 FA30/FA48 8.375 18.75 13.13
    BW3 48,333 9 FA40/FA60 9.5 22.75 15.93
    BW4 83,333 9 FA40 />FA60 10.25 28.25 19.78
    MW1 125,000 10 FA48 />FA60 15.75 21.75 12.72
    MW2 187,500 10 FA48 />FA60 15.75 21.75 15.94
    MW3 250,000 10 FA48 />FA60 15.75 30.75 17.99
    MW4 312,500 12 FA48 />FA60 15.75 42.25 24.72
    MW5 375,000 14 FA48 />FA60 15.75 42.25 24.72


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