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First Congress of Petroleum and Energy in Punta Arenas

  • Primer Congreso de Petróleo y Energía Punta Arenas

During 4 days, Punta Arenas was the headquarters of one of the most important centers of the world oil industry. At least, 13 countries met in the Magellan capital to participate in the First Chilean American Congress of Petroleum and Energy ...

Exhibition in Punta Arenas

  • Exposición en Punta Arenas

With the presence of the Ambassador of Great Britain, Fiona Clouster, this August 29 the exhibition "By Endurance we conquer: Shackleton and his men" was inaugurated, original photographic sample taken by the own crew of the expedition of Shackleton. From London, Genco7 together with the University of Cambridge and Scott Polar Research, brought to Chile for the first ...

New INTRANET Clients Platform

  • Primer Congreso de Petróleo y Energía Punta Arenas

We want to inform you that during the month of August will be available our new Intranet Clients platform, system of sending and receiving files among all our customers, easily, simply and safely ...

Technical training

  • Capacitaciones técnicas

With a large audience, technical trainings were given to ENAP Magallanes officials, specifically at the Posesión Plant, Cerro Sombrero and Cabo Negro, in June. The talks that were in charge of the Sales Manager of the company 7Genco ...

Training in Concepcion

  • Capacitación en Concepción

The first trainings of the first week of July took place in the city of Concepción. On this occasion we met with the ENAP Bio Bio Refinery and with the engineering company Pares & Alvarez. Jacklier Hernández ...

Oil Production

  • Petroleo en Chile

Oil production is fundamental to the industrial society of the 21st century. Crude oil trapped in the subsoil is associated with gas and water ...

Valves CAMERON for LNG

  • ValvesCAMERON para GNL

The Valves CAMERON for LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) fulfill decisive functions in the correct functioning of the process, from the storage ...